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Privacy Policy

DesignCore U.S.A. Privacy Policy January 3rd, 2023

We are committed to protecting your privacy. DesignCore U.S.A. , and its subsidiary and affiliate companies (collectively, “DesignCore” or “we”, “us”, or “our”) respects the privacy of all our visitors and we pledge to provide you with the best online experience possible. This DesignCore Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes what information we collect from you, how we may use it, and the steps we take to ensure that it is protected. By using our website, mobile site, and services, you hereby consent to these terms. DesignCore U.S.A. may modify this Privacy Policy at any time effective upon its posting. By continuing to visit our website, or your use of our products or services, constitutes your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and any updates. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into, and is subject to, the Terms of Use, including its applicable limitations on damages and the resolution of disputes.

Personal Information
“Personal Information” refers to information that identifies you as an individual. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, share, and protect your Personal Information, and the choices you have regarding your Personal Information.

Sources of Personal Information
We receive Personal Information from the following:
Information You Provide Us Directly. We collect personal and transactional information (purchase-related history) which you provide us directly, for example, in connection with a purchase, a service/event, a promotion, or application through a credit program.
Information Collected Through Automated Technologies. We use cookies, tags, web beacons and other technologies to track and collect browsing, purchase activity, and personal information. Our mobile site also collects unique identifiers and geolocation information, if you have enabled locations services on your device.
Information We Receive from Other Parties. We may obtain information about you from other sources for purposes such as prospecting and/or enhancing the information you have provided.
Device data: For example, when you visit our website, we collect your IP address. If you access our website from a mobile device, we collect unique device IDs.
Location data: We collect location data, which helps us understand where our customers are located.
Interactions data: We maintain a record of your activity on our online Site, including how you use our website, which products you view, and which emails you receive. We also collect information about the site you visited before navigating to our website.
Other Sources: We also collect information about you from other sources, including from our marketing partners to help us track ad campaign performance. Our website may contain links to, or plugins or widgets from, social media or other websites operated and maintained by Third Parties.  These properties, which we do not control, operate independently and have their own privacy practices and statements, which we encourage you to review.
Inferences: We also generate inferences about you based on information we collect about you, including your shopping preferences. We examine metrics such as how you are shopping through our Site, the performance of our marketing efforts, and your response to those marketing efforts.

The Information We Collect
We collect information you give us or permit us to access. Information may include, but is not limited to, your name, email and physical address, IP address, telephone number or mobile phone identifier, contact lists, location (including GPS) information, activity and performance information, and when necessary, credit card information. We may also collect information regarding your interaction with, and use of, our website, products and services. Information we may collect includes, but is not limited to, your telephone number, device identifier and hardware information, IP address, browser type and language, cookie information, system type, whether you have enabling software to access certain features, access times, referring website URLs, information about your purchases and other information about your interactions with us, the webpages you access within our website, the site that led you to our website, the dates and times you access our website, and web log data. We may also combine that information with data that is publicly available and data from third parties.

Cookies and Other Tracking Mechanisms
Cookies. We or our service providers or business partners may use cookies to track visitor activity on our website. A cookie is a text file that a website transfers to your computer’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes. We or our service providers or business partners may use cookies to track user activities on our website, such as the pages visited, time spent on our website, whether the device used by user is a mobile or desktop computer, to determine the US state where user is browsing from, to identify the last product page user visited, to identify the last category page user visited, the landing page by a user, any third party website that referred user to our website, and any relevant campaign information. Most browsers allow users to refuse cookies. The Help portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your computer from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. Visitors to our website who disable cookies may not be able to browse certain areas of the website.
Clear GIFs, pixel tags and other technologies. Clear GIFs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, which are embedded invisibly on web pages. We or our service providers may use clear GIFs (also known as web beacons, web bugs or pixel tags), in connection with our website to track the activities of visitors to our website, help us manage content, and compile statistics about usage of our website. We or our service providers may also use clear GIFs in HTML emails to our users, to help us track email response rates, identify when our emails are viewed, and track whether our emails are forwarded.
Do Not Track. Our website may not respond to Do Not Track signals and we may track your activities once you leave our website. You may disable certain tracking as discussed in this section (e.g., by disabling cookies).
Third-Party Analytics. We use service providers, such as Google Analytics, to evaluate the use of our website, products and services. We or our service providers use automated devices and applications to evaluate use of our website, products and services. We or our service providers use these tools to help us improve our website, products, services, performance, and user experiences. These entities may use cookies and other tracking technologies, such as web beacons or Flash LSO, to perform their services.
For more information about how Google Analytics it collects and processes data see For more information about how to opt-out of having your information used by Google Analytics, visit
For more information about third party cookies, including information about how to opt-out of these technologies, visit (US). Please note we do not operate or control these sites and are not responsible for the opt-out choices available there.
For the 12-month period prior to the date of this Privacy Policy, we explain here what categories of personal information we have collected, where we got it from, and with whom we have shared it:

How We Share Your Personal Information
We may share your Personal Information with other parties in the following instances:
With Our Third Parties: To process transactions or provide products or services on our behalf, including but not limited to providers of product delivery services (for example, UPS and FedEx) and website analytics (for example, Google Analytics and 4Cite).
For Marketing Purposes: To notify you of offers for products or services that may be of interest to you. We do not share credit card or other financial information for marketing purposes.
Other Reasons: To: (a) satisfy applicable law, regulations, legal process or valid governmental request; (b) enforce the terms of use applicable to our services, (c) detect, prevent or mitigate fraud or security or technical issues; or (d) protect against imminent harm to the rights, property or safety of our company, our customers or the public as required or permitted by law.

How We Use Your Information
We use your information in order to provide you with the best possible use of our website, products and services, to maintain them, improve them and in order to protect us and our products and services from misuse and unlawful activity. More specifically, we may use your information to provide products and services to you including:
Enhancing, personalizing and customizing user experiences, such as placing an order and other activities;
Communicating with you about your purchase, account information or customer service and to process transactions and orders you make through or in connection with our website and registration thereto.
Analyzing user behavior and trends to better understand our customers and gain consumer insights;
Providing and conducting marketing and promotions including sending periodic e-mails, updates, newsletters, and special offers, and for other marketing or advertising purposes.
Communicating with you about our products, services and events, and for other promotional purposes;
Administering contests, promotions, events, surveys or other features;
Displaying relevant marketing to you and other information about Cali
If you decide to opt-in to our mailing list, you will receive e-mails that may include company news, updates, related product or service information, etc.
To comply with applicable legal obligations, including responding to informal requests for information from governmental authorities and agencies, and to prevent activity we determine to be potentially illegal.
For the enforcement of this Privacy Policy and/or our Terms of Service or any other purpose referenced herein or therein, including to protect the rights of our customers, their end users, and the general public.
We may also use information that has been de-identified and/or aggregated for purposes not otherwise listed above.

Cali uses technical and organizational measures designed to protect your information against unauthorized access, theft, and loss. While Cali strives to protect its user’s personal information and privacy, we cannot guarantee 100% the security or confidentiality of any information that you provide to us or that is otherwise disclosed by you online. We recommend that you take additional measures to protect yourself and your information, such as installing anti-virus software, closing browsers after use, keeping confidential your log-in credentials and passwords.
We also store each user’s IP address for security reasons, in the event we identify and need to block suspicious activity on our website.

Our Commitment to Children’s Privacy
We do not knowingly collect or solicit information online from children under 13 and we do not specifically target children under 13 in our marketing materials or other advertising.

Disclosure of Your Information to Third Parties
We may provide your information to our affiliates and subsidiaries, as well as to our partners, vendors, distributors, and suppliers, some of which may be outside the United States. We may transfer your information to certain service providers in order to conduct our business operations and offer you additional services. For example, service providers may handle web hosting, credit card processing, shipping, data management, email distribution (including marketing emails), targeted advertising, market research, information analysis, promotions management, installation services, design services, and other services associated with our products and services. We may also share your information as is necessary to complete a transaction or provide a product, service, or feature that you have requested. These service providers will only use your information for the purpose of carrying out the services provided to DesignCore and/or you they are required to keep all such information confidential. We may disclose information upon governmental request, in response to a court order, when required by law, to enforce our policies, or to protect our or others’ rights, property or safety. We may share information to prevent illegal uses of DesignCore’s products and services or violations of the Terms of Use, or to defend ourselves against third-party claims. We may also share information with companies assisting in fraud protection or investigation.
Your information may be transferred to a third party as a part of our business assets in a sale of a part or all of DesignCore. If this should happen, notice will be provided via the website or other appropriate form of communication. You may also choose to share certain information. When you join or use certain services, you agree to publicly share a basic amount of information, which may include your username, city location, and profile picture. In order to participate in certain features, you may have to adjust your privacy settings and share additional information. You may also choose to share your activity on other platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Please read the privacy policies of those platforms, because your DesignCore activity published on those platforms will no longer be governed by this Privacy Policy.

Your Rights and Consent to Transfer of Data
Our digital operations are conducted, in whole or in part, in the United States. Regardless of where you live, you consent to have your personal data transferred, processed and stored in the United States, and allow Cali to use, collect, process and transfer your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable laws.

Links to Third Party Websites
For your convenience and to improve the usage of our website we insert links to third party websites, for which this Privacy Policy does not apply. This includes links from partners that may use DesignCore’s logo as part of a co-branding agreement or sell DesignCore products and/or services. These third-party websites may have their own separate privacy policies and DesignCore is not responsible or liable for the content and activities of third parties. Any use of third-party websites is entirely at your own risk. Please note that third party sites may use cookies, collect data or solicit personal information. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of each website that you visit

Customer Specific Disclosures
In some jurisdictions, individuals may have the right to provide opt-in consent or withdraw consent for certain uses, including those described above. If you reside in such jurisdictions, you may have additional rights.
1) Nevada Residents
Under Nevada SB 220, Nevada residents may submit an opt-out request regarding the sale of their Personally Identifiable Information (PII) collected through a website or online service.  Where applicable, you may submit your request to Opt-Out of the sale of Personal Information to Third Parties by submitting an email to
2) California Residents
1. California Shine the Light Law
Under California Civil Code sections 1798.83–1798.84 California residents may request the names and addresses of affiliated companies and categories of Personal Information we share for their direct marketing purposes. If you are a California resident and would like to make such a request, please
2. California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018
California residents have the following rights:
2.1. The Right to Disclosure
2.1.1. About information collected
2.1.2. About information sold Categories of personal information sold Categories of Third Parties with whom the personal information was sold
2.2. The Right to Deletion of Personal Information
2.3. The Right to Opt-Out of the sale of Personal Information to Third Parties
2.4. The Right to Sue for Security Breaches
2.5. The Right to not be Discriminated Against Based on Exercising any of the Above Rights
The chart below describes the type of personal information we request, the purpose, and who we share the information with.

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